Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Army has announced the results of yet another investigation into the torture committed by U.S. troops at Abu Ghraib prison. And once again, mirabile dictu, the investigation cleared all senior Army officers. (Apparently, the only superior officer in the prison who was responsible for the actions of her subordinates was the National Guard general, designated scapegoat Janis Karpinski).

Specifically exonerated was Gen. Ricardo Sanchez -- even though he authorized torture in a memo that has since been released, and then lied about it to Congress.

If you can't figure out why this is an outrage, go to Phil Carter for a military perspective, or Scrivener's Error for a few sharp words on how Dubya's crew holds themselves to a far lower standard than, well, anyone else on the planet. Don't go to me. I'm tapped out. Jim Henley thinks it's outrage fatigue, but in me, it's outrage overload. They just come so fast, these days. (Dubya's U.N. nominee, on top of all his other disqualifications, mishandled North Korea -- a disaster in its own right. But with the disaster in Iraq to distract us -- to say nothing of the Michael Jackson trial -- who has time for it?).

But you won't hear any of this from Democrats in Congress. They don't want to be seen criticizing American military policy. They're convinced that's really bad politics. Why, if Republicans in Congress, under Clinton, had launched repeated attacks on his handling of Yugoslavia, they'd be... well, pretty much where they are right now.


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