Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Republican Party seems to be in a bit of trouble. They've just lost a few by-elections for House seats that have been safe for decades. Clearly, they need to do something to reconnect with the voters. To reestablish that they share their concerns. And Republican Senator Arlen Specter has just the thing:

A day after NFL commissioner Roger Goodell met with former Patriots video employee Matt Walsh and said he did not expect any further sanctions against the team or coach Bill Belichick over Spygate, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Penn.) called for an independent investigation into the Patriots' taping of opposing coaches' signals which violated league rules.
There may indeed be further questions that need asking, here. Why, for instance, were known instances of unauthorized taping by other teams subjected to nothing like the same penalty? But I'm not entirely sure that those are the questions Specter means to raise.

Then again, it's got to be better for the Republicans than talking about the economy. Or the war...


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4:57 AM  

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