Thursday, July 26, 2007

Quoth Matthew Yglesias, Washington's chattering classes now seem to think that the proper Iraq policy is determined by the need to contain Iranian influence. Which is consistent with the continual talk of bombing the Iranians, for never mind what reason. (Never mind what reason was good enough to get them into Iraq; why should that change now?)

Of course, if containing Iranian influence was the goal, then choosing an Iraqi head of government from the Dawa party, largely an Iranian catspaw for most of its existence, might not have been the best idea. But then again, if you think we're in there to fight the "war on terror", then choosing an Iraqi head of government from the Dawa party, which has a history of terrorist acts, might not have been the best idea.

This nation-building stuff is so confusing. Good thing this administration promised, going in, not to do much of it...


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