Wednesday, April 02, 2003

I'm a decent boy just landed from down near Hyderabad
I want a situation and I want it very bad
I've seen employment advertised -- let's help Iraq, says I
but the dirty blaggard ended with "No Muslims need apply"

"Whoa," says I, "that's quite an insult"
but to get the place a try
so I went to see the blaggard with his
"No Muslims need apply"

Some do tout it our misfortune to be named Ali or Rais
But defense of Muslim honor must be worth a mighty price

I rushed to Rehman Enterprises running like a race
And waved the bloody advert right in Abdul Rehman's face
But from US Army paperwork he quoted his reply:
"Only process applications when no Muslim has applied"

Then I gets my dander rising
and I'd like to black his eye
Why's a guy named Abdul Rehman
say "No Muslims need apply"?

Some do tout it our misfortune to be named Ali or Rais
But defense of Muslim honor must be worth a mighty price

To put an end to tyranny they came to Arab lands
A beacon of democracy they'll kindle in the sand
That's what they say, at any rate, but if it's true, then why
When they're hiring dock workers, say "No Muslims need apply"?


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